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what is autism?​

Autism is a complex neurobiological difference that typically appears in childhood and continues throughout adulthood. Many autistic individuals/people diagnosed with autism recognize the necessity for support services to address the unique needs and real-life challenges that accompany their diagnosis while proudly embracing their autism as a rich and diverse way of moving throughout and within this complex world.


While the features of autism are as individually unique and varied as any human experience, there are a few distinguishing characteristics common to the diagnosis. Autistic individuals may absorb sensory environments differently and experience challenges while processing audio, visual, physical and additional types of external stimuli. Negotiating social intricacies will prove tricky for some on the autism spectrum and so-called ‘typical’ social interactions may not come naturally. 


Parents are usually the first to notice different behaviors in their child or their child's failure to reach socially ‘typical’ developmental milestones. Symptoms can range from very mild to quite severe and autism can usually be reliably diagnosed by age 3. Early intervention is critical for gaining access to therapeutic benefits and Reilly’s World specifically draws from a multitude of professional techniques to appeal to children with autism during this crucial time in their lives.


Our show, Reilly’s Life will be an animated series aimed at children that have Autism. The show will provide a forum that demonstrates to autistic children, their families, caregivers, practitioners and general audiences that they are not alone in this world and society values and appreciates their experience as autistic individuals.


Each episode will be 10 minutes of 2D animation followed by a live action bumper that shows children or adults experiencing the unique strengths and challenges of autism in the context of the episode. The show highlights the breadth and depth of autistic life while dealing with some of the common challenges and barriers autistic children face.



why reilly's life?

Reilly's Life is a show created by Sinead Clancy. She is mother to a thirteen-year-old son with autism. After the initial diagnosis she followed the usual path of blame, anger, fear and looked for the elusive 'cure'. But quickly she realized that autism was as much a part of her son as breathing and she now embraces his autistic way of being. Finding a path for him where he could co-exist in a world where autism and autistic identity is not embraced or fully understood sowed the seeds for Reilly's life.

The name is pulled from her Irish roots. Someone who is enjoying life to the fullest with no worries is said to have 'The life of Reilly'. 


Reilly's Life is a tool in the acceptance and awareness of autistic behaviors that we hope will help society embrace autism as a rich and diverse way of living in this world. It shows some of the challenges faced by children with autism and possible solutions that may help, or at least facilitate a basic understanding of the challenges faced by Reilly.


We feel that this show fills a critical vacuum in the world of autism today. Autism is the fastest growing market for children with special needs as 1 in every 68 children in the US is diagnosed on the spectrum. It’s an untapped field in the world of media and it’s a resource that is truly needed for our children.


We are excited to introduce Reilly's Life in celebration of Autism Acceptance Month!


who is the audience?


The target audience is primarily young children, from the age of 18 months upwards who may be autistic or recently diagnosed on the autistic spectrum. It would also be a show that a Neuro-Typical child would be able to watch and enjoy.

Parents, therapists and educators will find the show very helpful too, in understanding what the child is seeing, why they react to certain things, and how to ultimately help or just simply understand them in that regard.


the future

Coming VERY soon!


The name Reilly is of Irish and Gaelic origin. It means Valiant and Courageous.



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